As we write this letter, it is with a hope that it will provide you with a sense of confidence and courage for as long as you may need. Courage to continue this selfless journey with our support and God’s love, knowing that we will spend a lifetime filled with gratitude because you chose to bless us with your child. Also, by reading this letter we hope it gives you confidence to know that our hearts and lives will be dedicated to providing a home filled with love, nurture and support for our newest family member.
We cannot imagine what you are going through, but admire your strength, courage, and selflessness with the difficult decisions that lie ahead for you. What a tremendous decision this must be for you, to choose parents for your baby. After reading our letter, we hope your heart will find comfort in knowing your child will be loved, nurtured, and provided for under our care.
Samuel Douglas 8 lbs, 11 ozs
We cannot begin to imagine the decision you are facing. We admire your courage and strength, and the love behind your decision. Even though we have never met, we are united by the shared dream of the best possible life for your baby; one filled with unconditional love, nurturing, happiness, and security. We appreciate you considering us and helping us to realize our dream of having a family.
Matt and I are in love, not just married, and that provides so much security for children. We are dependable and constant. We want to do things together. We enjoy hiking through the Wilderness Center and feeding the fish. We look forward to ordering a pizza and watching a movie. Matt likes his garden and fruit trees. I like to plant flowers in the flower beds. We both enjoy games with strategy. These times are enriched when our children or friends join us.
We are truly in awe of the selfless and loving thing you are doing and can never thank you enough for the beautiful gift you are giving us. We can only imagine what a strong, brave person you are. Please let us tell you about ourselves and the life we will give your little one.
We hope you will think it’s sweet that my wife Noriko wants a child like me and I want a child like her. We hope that you are that special birthmother whose child is a mix of Asian and Western like our child would be if we could have children. Noriko’s eyes go soft and she raises her hands as if cradling a precious thing as she says, “We’ll raise this child with special, special care. We will pour upon him or her all the love and affection, wisdom and guidance that is ours to offer.”
God loves you very much and we want you to know how much our family will love you and your child. We can not imagine a harder decision than choosing a family to raise your child. You are very courageous and loving to be able to bring such a blessing into this world at your own sacrifice. We respect you and we pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you in his love.
Every morning the sun will shine through the nursery window and illuminate these words painted on the nursery wall:
“El dia que naciste tu, nacieron la luna, el sol, y las estrellas. Nacieron todas las cosas bellas.”
Life is a miracle, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making the single most selfless, tough decision to create an adoption plan for your child. We are Jarrod and Melissa and we have been happily married for almost thirteen years. Over the years we have had many hopes, dreams, and goals that we have been very fortunate to accomplish. One of our biggest dreams has been to start a family.
As a loving couple of 15 years, we relish in the joys of marriage and parenthood. Since our union we have dreamt of having three children. We were blessed with a son who is 12 years old. We planned to expand our family by giving birth to one more child and adopting our third; adoption has always been in our hearts. After seven years of trying and two failed in-vitro fertilizations, it was natural for us to turn to adoption.
First, we would like to say that we realize that there are so many emotions that you must be experiencing during your pregnancy. We believe that it takes the utmost courage, strength, and most important-love for any individual to bless a child with the gift of life. We thank you for allowing others like us, the chance to make their dreams of building a family come true.
Hello! We know you’re facing a big decision, and we respect your search for the best future you can plan for yourself and the child you carry. Maybe we are the missing piece to make that plan come true. Our faith is important to us. We will raise our children to know the joy of God’s love, and how to communicate with Him. We feel very blessed and grateful for all that we have, but we are longing to have a wonderful little girl to share it all with.
We want to thank you for choosing adoption for your child. We cannot begin to imagine the decision before you. You will always hold a special place in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers. You will forever be our angel. We thank you for considering us as the adoptive parents for your child. We hope that you will take the time to learn more about our strong bond and commitment to our marriage and family. David and I promise to love your child as our own.
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