Congrats To Our National Adoption Month Pro Bono Service Winners!

Every November, in honor of National Adoption Month,
Adoption Network Law Center (ANLC) asks hopeful Adopting Parents to share their
stories of what led them to adoption.  Adoption Network Law Center reviews
all of the stories and selects one family to receive pro bono ANLC services.  Today, on National Adoption Day, ANLC is
excited to announce that this year’s recipients of pro bono services are
Charles and Alyssa.

Charles and Alyssa have been married for 7 years.  At
14, Charles went through chemotherapy and radiation treatment for Hodgkin’s
disease.  While thankful that these treatments saved his life, Charles and
Alyssa were heartbroken to find that they would not be able to conceive a child
naturally.  However, for Charles and Alyssa, adoption is not a “second
choice.”  Both of their families have a history and heart for
adoption.  Charles’ father and 13 siblings were in the foster care system
for years before they found their forever family and Alyssa’s family has 4
adopted children!  Charles and Alyssa state that “It is our heart to not
just have a family, but to show a precious child they are loved beyond measure,
they can change the world with their dreams, and to give them hope for the
beautiful future God has for them.”

This is the 6th year Adoption Network Law Center has provided pro
bono services to one family in honor of National Adoption Month.  “It is
such an honor for Adoption Network Law Center to give back to the adoption
community and raise adoption awareness in this way.” stated Kristin A.F.
Yellin, Chief Counsel of Adoption Network Law Center.  “
The entire staff
is excited to start this journey with Charles and Alyssa and will be with them
every step until they welcome their son or daughter into their hearts and home.”  
November has been celebrated as National Adoption Month since 1995 to build
awareness of adoption in the U.S., funded by the Children’s Bureau.


Written by Samantha Gindi

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